Intimate Wedding at The Lytle House, Chicago, Illinois

Lauren and Reilly found us by chance, they originally reached out to another photographer who we had worked with in the past, but he was living in Spain for the year. Lucky for us he passed on our names, we can’t even express how happy we are that he did. Everything about this wedding was incredible, and we are so honored that we had the privilege to share in it.

The backdrop for their special day was The Lytle House, an auto repair shop turned wedding venue, it’s probably one of the most unique spaces we have worked in. From the beautiful rusted door facing the street covered in vines and a huge mural, to the colorful artwork spanning the brick wall inside the courtyard, the giant garage door, and the long wooden tables. The whole structure is gorgeous. Your entire experience of the venue is made doubly better yet by the hospitality of the two wonderful women who own it. It becomes clear as you look around that they have poured countless hours of love and devotion to detail into every square inch of the space. Here you find tranquility, joy, and exquisite styling combined.

Now that you’ve witnessed the setting through our eyes, we welcome you to the main event. The magical day began with a first look between Lauren and her dad, a moment, we’re certain, every father of a girl imagines many times. His reaction, as you’ll see, is absolutely priceless. As the day drifted on, cherished guests began to arrive on old-timey trollies, which were nothing short of adorable. Just before the ceremony they had their guests bless the their wedding rings with happy thoughts and well wishes. A unique and wonderful rite. The ceremony was held in the courtyard, there were no chairs, instead the guests gathered around the bride and groom, drinks in hand, to witness as the two said their vows. To top of the night, Reilly’s(the groom) big surprise from Lauren(the beautiful bride) was an ice cream truck, thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Words are a great tool, but so scarcely are they enough to describe the elegant truth of what we were privileged to witness. And so we welcome and encourage you to take a stroll through the day that is Lauren and Reilly.

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